Fast and Furious – II

Hello everyone, I greet you with so much love and goodwill today. Beloved let us love one another, for we cannot say we are of God and not show love. Let’s look out for one another. Let’s be mindful of each other.

 Go on and make that call, hug that one, smile often, spread Jesus Joy to a dark world. God is love.

This week I continue on the Fast and Furious series.

Last week, I guess I didn’t expect quite a bit of feedback on the fast and furious series, however that came in a myriad of questions and hopefully I would be able to answer some of these questions and the comments on the article. Most questions were around praying whilst fasting, others were on the structure of a corporate fast, some were on hearing God during a fast, some were on whether one should even fast at all.  I will treat Prayer today


"The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice and let the oppressed go free. "

Praying is the one communication line that is never shut down, it is our way of speaking with the Father, prayer is a conversation, it’s never one-sided, it is between you and the Father, you should always wait as you pray to hear what He is saying. A fast subdues your flesh so you are more alert to the Spirit to hear God’s voice. God is always speaking, we just must be tuned to His frequency.  Praying is you conversing with God, tuning in through thanksgiving, praise and worship, the Father loves simplicity and that means a childlike trust that He hears you, He’s listening and He’s speaking back to you. He loves those conversations, He yearns for them. Prayer should be a way of life, always just speak to God. Come into His presence with confidence, Christ has made that possible through his death on the cross. No more barriers, just come as you are!

Key thing during an individual fast is putting down what the Holy Spirit is saying to you in writing, searching the scriptures for what God’s word is saying about these things, meditating over them and keeping faith.  The thing is that most people are just waiting till 6pm or designated time to pray and then break their fast, some people are typically quite busy during the day, that, there is no time to pray; toilet breaks can be used, lunch breaks too, take yours and spend time to pray giving thanks, a song of worship or speaking in tongues for 5- 10mins, set out that time and pray, meditate on the word, let it come alive to you, hear God speak. It’s actually refreshing.

Keep praying as the day goes on, meditate on His Word and His Love, remember God hears your thoughts, turn them to prayers of love, belief and gratitude to Him. He’s an awesome Father!


Prayer for this week

My God and Father, I seek a deeper relationship with you through Prayer. Amen


Charge for this week

Study Isaiah 58, make notes of what the prophet is speaking about concerning the fast. Reflect and soul search. Cultivate a lifestyle of fasting and praying – let the Holy Spirit teach you this, it’s vital to your growth as a believer.
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